
At one time, I would have said that I would love to be a professional student. I meant that in the sense of formal education. Over time and exposure to some exceptional teachers and having had some unusual experiences, my point of view has changed. I'm not saying that I no longer want to learn new things. It is quite the opposite. I want to learn and discover fresh, new things looking toward uncharted territory. I'm finding that the traditional education system (and I've had plenty of exposure to it) and what most people think of as formal education has little of any real value to offer. At best, it can give someone a starting place to begin doing his or her own research. I would like to believe that that is what I have taken from it.

I do believe in collaboration, mentorship, and leveraging what other people know in conjunction with what I find through my own self-exploration. My background is a mix of all these things, as you will find if you spend the time to further explore what is under this heading in the menu.

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